Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Return of the Princess

Much to our delight Macy was back this week for her visit. We got her busy helping me break off the Brussels Sprouts from the stem. She said that she was going to eat one too ,but that changed fast when we started cooking them. She has a very narrow field of things she will eat, with PB&J being on top of the list. We keep trying to get her to try new things but have not succeeded . Yet.

She seems to always have a pleasant disposition when she is here. We have noticed that it changes fast when her parents show up or if she is on her own turf at home. It seems that this is the norm for all of the grandparents that we have talked to. Lucky us,we get the cream and none of the crust.
She decided to stay in her PJ's all day today and just play inside. Okay with me with the wind howling and temps in the teens.
She found the laundry basket and started playing so I got the camera .

All of this and the warm fire made her sleepy. She crawled up into GG's arms and fell asleep. A wonder time for both. It just doesn't get any better than this.

Ihid a camera in on the car seat to record some of the neat things she does when I pick her up. She is really pumped when I first get her and she does some funny things. Car Cam .


  1. I could eat brussel sprouts every day. If only they were easier to grow!

  2. Macy is growing so fast!! You are right, I see changes when the parents come also. We do get the cream of time with them. What fun, if fact if I new grandkids were so much fun, I would of had them first lol...Hugs, Sue

  3. I love them too! But Gin is so so on them. I like buying them on the stem,better deal. Grow them?'s easier to get a room at an all girls school than to grow brussel sprouts. Good thing that Meijers has them.

  4. Um, ok so like where is Friday, Saturday and Sunday or perhaps you rested. Inquiring minds want to know. Hugs, Sue

  5. Ok, I get it now, the brussel sprouts came from the store. I was talking to Shell and I asked her how in the world you guys were growing those now. She says, "I don't know, ask them." I was like, "Man, her inlaws really are magic!"
    ~(Friend from WV)

  6. WV friend,
    We like to think that we are that good,but no they were store bought. I can't grow sprouts in warm weather much less the dead of winter!

    Dusty Sue,
    Ya,they are there! ?


Go ahead,make my day
By the way if you click on the photos they will enlarge..most of the time anyway. Try it!