Saturday, May 23, 2009

Raised beds

This week I'm gardening.  I got the raised beds going and am planting tomatoes and peppers in them to see how it goes.  Time will be the teacher here as to what to grow in them.  I'm a little late for this year because the ground has been so wet.  I planted some Red Currants and Gooseberries in a raised bed along the fence in a spot that stays wet longer,that will put it to some good use.
   Macy helped me plant.....she dug some holes,took a ride in the wagon and sang me some songs.  We had to put up the tent so she could "camp".  

After all of this work we had to rest under the maple tree.  But first she played with a toad in the garden.  I just wish that her mother was here to play with it too!

Then Ginny and her painted some clay pots.  Macy really gets into this and does quite well.  She say's that she is an artist.  I tend to believe her.

Resting under the tree.

End of the day.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Catching up.

   It has been a while since I have updated this blog.  Every time that I think to add a post I just get too busy or something else comes along.  My thoughts don't flow out of me like my daughter-in-law Shell.  She has a gift of gab that flows nicely onto print that is seamless ,it reads as if she were standing there beside you.  I on the other hand have thoughts that transfer to print in spurts and sputters,like lightning.  
  Now that we are getting Macy every Wenesday afternoon and Thursday blogging is not on my mind as much.  She has been a joy.  We love her so and she makes us laugh, remember laughing?
 Comics aren't funny any more, television "comics" seem boring.  Maybe it's my age.  Seen it,been there,done that.  Hum.  

Well the new addition at the church is all done and we had a open house.  The best part was April put on a show on her unicycle riding.

These pictures are before most of the people came.

That is Libby checking out the tables

Show time

We got Mike to show his stuff.  He still can juggle well.  I can barely juggle one ball.  I think that he had some fun doing it too.