Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mia's Granola Bars and Making Bread with Polly

I happened upon a site called "Aspiring Homemaker" that I enjoy visiting very much. It is published by an "18 year old African American home schooled girl living in Georgia"as she states on her blog. She is one of the most remarkable young girls that I have come across! I was first drawn to her site because of the great photography...something I enjoy..but quickly realized that she has insight beyond her years. Ginny and I both follow her site now. She had a recipe for granola bars that looked great so we make them and they are wonderful! Thanks Mia!

Yesterday I got a call from Cliff's sister Polly because she wanted to make bread the way I do so I offered to get her started. This is Polly and Tim, her son, getting ready and enjoying some cider. Polly is around 78 and has made bread before of course but she likes mine ..which makes me feel pretty good. She still gardens and puts up a huge amount of food . Some lady.

She wanted my raisin bread so we got started and she did pretty well. I just got her started and left the rest up to her. This batch makes five loaves. This is starting the first rise.

Covering the dough and placing it on a heat mat to rise is a good trick when it is cool in the house(October in Michigan) that I use. We had a good visit and I left her to finish up,now I am awaiting to hear how it turned out.
I like visiting with her and Tim . She always talks my leg off and has to show me all that she has done since our last visit . I always learn something ...which is nice.

1 comment:

Go ahead,make my day
By the way if you click on the photos they will enlarge..most of the time anyway. Try it!