Saturday, April 24, 2010

Things to do,things to do.

My wood pile is still waiting for someone to split it up....I keep hoping that it will self split and I am watching for that to happen.
I planted four pear trees ,two last spring and two this year. I feel that I should always be building for the future,improving,making things better. And besides it's fun.

I got a whole trailer full of horse manure and have been spreading it here on the rubarb.

In with the currants and gooseberries.

This is the stage the raised beds were in a week ago. I have been keeping them uncovered to help the greens. They do better in the cold weather.

Oh and I did add another two beds. Now I have four beds ..all 4 foot by 20 . I just can't stop,I like them so.

As long as I'm catching up .....I burned my brush pile . It made quite a blaze that lasted till the next day. And that is what been going on.

1 comment:

  1. Those raised beds are great! And so much easier to weed...


Go ahead,make my day
By the way if you click on the photos they will enlarge..most of the time anyway. Try it!