Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm back .

We had a great dinner one night at Jim and Nancy's house. Nancy made a fine feast for us and we enjoyed the evening eating and talking. We even got to see a movie with them from their video library. When all is said and done it is truly the friends that you have that make you happiest.

I have been remiss at posting this summer. I just didn't have the time or inclination to sit down and do it. Here is a little catch up. Our grandson Ben is almost walking(his mother keeps pushing him down). He loves getting into the cupboards,emptying the contents on the floor and back again. Although he is not as good at putting them back. He is a lot more work than Macy was. The boy thing I guess.
Speaking of Macy. This is her and Blake ,my nephew, last month. Two great kids and they play together well, despite the difference in age. I will have to post more often and will try. A few comments would help. These photos got all outta order..sorry.


  1. I think it was a lazy blog summer. I haven't posted in a long time either.

    Maybe I will this weekend, after I brew up a stout!

  2. I always enjoy your posts. If I can't be there in person as often as I like, I can visit you in pictures of your life. And I agree, good food, family and good friends are the best. Hugs, Susie

  3. A stout Kevin! I love that dark beer.

    Thanks Sue glad that you are still looking.


Go ahead,make my day
By the way if you click on the photos they will enlarge..most of the time anyway. Try it!