Friday, June 25, 2010

A trip to the park

The trail to the state park was officially opened on Friday but we were riding on the day before. It has been all groomed and decorated for the big event. We started at the battlefield site and rode all the way to lake Erie. Soon there will be talking info stations along the trail,benches and more. On our trips we have seen frogs ,turtles(lots),birds of all kinds, fish spawning,and Macy got to see her first deer! A big thrill for her.
Macy was a real trooper on her little bike ,training wheels and all. She starting to look forward to the sites along the trail. This week Ginny came for her riding debut.
Macy has the play area in sight and out paced Ginny across the parking lot to the beach. We had lunch on the beach and Macy got to play in the water. The sand bars were a good place to run in.
When we got to the water ,she just had to get in. Another good day... it seems like they never end(I hope not).
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1 comment:

  1. You're pretty good at taking pictures and riding the bike. Thanks for sharing Macy with us. She is a cutie. Hugs to you all.


Go ahead,make my day
By the way if you click on the photos they will enlarge..most of the time anyway. Try it!