Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Surprise Night Out

Last night Mark and Bernie took us out for a "surprise "! We expected dinner at maybe the local place in Dundee or something along those lines. They wouldn't tell us where until we got real close....It was Mancy's in Toledo! Holy Cow. This place is really the top of the line and expensive...we had no clue.

This is where I took Ginny on our first date some 41 years ago. We hav only been there a half a dozen times since.

We had great waittress. She took all of the teasing that Mark and I was giving her very well and was real sweet. She had as much fun as we did and she even took our pictures for us to document the night.

Here we are enjoying the soup before the main meal came out.

I'm the handsome one and Mark is the other one.

Thank Mark and Bernie ...It was a great night out.

1 comment:

Go ahead,make my day
By the way if you click on the photos they will enlarge..most of the time anyway. Try it!