Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mushroom hunting

I can remember hunting mushrooms with my dad when I was a kid. We used to tramp around in the woods mostly in the fall looking for several kinds. The one that he always wanted was a "puffball". But we never could find one that hadn't gone to "seed". The spores on these start in the center and if too mature they will "puff" out a plume of brown spores if you kick or squeeze them. I once got sent up this tall stump of a tree to retrieve one that looked great but when I got there it puffed all over the place. I found this one and it was a little too brown in the center to be good. Too bad because it must have weighed three pounds for sure. Well I will keep looking and I bet that dad was smiling .
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  1. Look for morral mushrooms instead ..I like those :-)

  2. That does bring back memories, Dad used to take me mushroom hunting, I remember allot of cows and mud. I love the aspargus hunting the best, some of the best times I shared with Dad. It felt so good when I would spy one, Dad would praise me and that felt so good.
    Hugs, Sis Sue


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