Sunday, April 5, 2009

Work waiting

My wood pile is waiting for me ....again. I thought that maybe someone would come along and split it for me but there must not be a wood fairy that comes at night and splits your wood for you. Some lumber jack looking guy with an axe ,a beard and some little fairy wings. Maybe it works like the tooth fairy and I need to put some logs under my pillow. I'll talk to Ginny and get back with ya on that!
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  1. Perhaps you could have a "Sunday Afternoon LumberJack Party"...stoke up the grill and have at it.

    Well at least your toes will be toaty warm this April with our Snow LOL....


  2. ask your son, he might come help ....


Go ahead,make my day
By the way if you click on the photos they will enlarge..most of the time anyway. Try it!