Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Wood Fairy cometh

Sometime last week the wood fairy did come and split all of the wood ......  Okay, it was just me...and I am finally done until I find any more free wood.  I just can't bring myself to pay for wood when I can do the work .  I enjoy cutting wood anyway.  I just don't care for all of the handling afterwards.  I tried to count all of the times that I handled a piece of wood from cutting to burning.....somewhere around a dozen times!  Keeps me young.   Or maybe it is making me old,  I can't tell which.

I think that I have two years plus all stacked and ready to burn.   
I got a great deal at the auction on a very large truck tarp that I cut into four pieces to cover the piles .  Not bad for five bucks!  
We stopped burning any wood now and we miss it already.  We like the warmth in  the mornings and cooking on it for dinner.  Spring time.  

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Work waiting

My wood pile is waiting for me ....again. I thought that maybe someone would come along and split it for me but there must not be a wood fairy that comes at night and splits your wood for you. Some lumber jack looking guy with an axe ,a beard and some little fairy wings. Maybe it works like the tooth fairy and I need to put some logs under my pillow. I'll talk to Ginny and get back with ya on that!
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Time to get my feet going !

This is my foot as I sat in my chair in the greenhouse....doing nuttin. I sat contemplating what color to paint the back wall of the greenhouse . Then we went to Lowe's and found a can on clearance....and that became the color.

I started some plants for the garden last week. Some peppers,tomatoes,leek,basil etc..
I just put new triple wall glazing on the greenhouse and it is so much better than the old covering . I can keep it warmer now with just a little heat. It is much tighter too. No air gets in.

Most of the extras in the greenhouse came from the auction. The windows,racks, lights ,fans trays ,all were on the cheap. Too bad they don't have seeds .

New Windows!

We have been overdue to get some new windows in our bedroom. The old wood windows have fallen apart allowing a lot of cold air into the house,the storms were broken and some we couldn't open any more. So we took the plunge and spent our tax return money on six new windows. I had been thinking about doing it my self but I had no experience with installing them . I hate to pay the long dollar for someone else to do work for me but I am glad that I did (this time). They did the whole job in less than three hours and they trimmed the outside much better than I could have. They made it look so easy too. It must be a good feeling to do one thing and do it well. Here are the photos.

These are the before pictures

The old storms that I will never have to use again! Yes.

The first one being installed

And the finished product waiting for us to paint the stop moldings. We noticed that the room was a lot more quiet than before and no sweating windows! It feels like a new room. Life is good.