Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mike's Visit

Ginny dazzles the kids with the apple peeler.
 My friend Mike brought his grand kids over one day for lunch so I had to document the occasion. They were a little apprehensive at first but soon warmed up to us and we had a wonderful time.  

Nathan,Emily and Grandpa Mike

After lunch they played out side around the tree swings and then I took them for a four-wheeler ride to the back.  They loved it and asked grandpa to come back.  We hope they do.  Maybe this winter so I can pull they around the back in sleds.  Okay Mike?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My grandson

Today Ben came to visit. The house was warm and he was very sleepy. He fell asleep at the table, a first . The funny thing is that Matthew used to do the same thing. We seem to have come full circle.
I hope that everyone is well and getting ready for the holidays. This month is always crazy for us because of all the occasions we have with all of the birthdays,anniversary's (our 40th) and then getting ready for Christmas. This year is a little more nuts for me because I went back to work! My old employer called and asked if I wanted to come back for a few months. I started last Monday. The plant is being closed down in May or so and I'm in till whenever. Sad to see it go and weird to be back after nine years! More later.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas in Ida Parade

Our little town of Ida has a great parade of lights every first Saturday in December every year and it has evolved into a pretty big deal. There is over 125 floats ,food vendors,events and about 40,000 people squeezed into little Ida. Even Disney gets involved.

The down side is that it is cold sitting along the route and you have to dress really warm.
Matt and Shell,Ben,Macy , Ginny and I went this year and had a lot of fun.

Here we are watching and trying to keep warm. We had two large pizza's and a basket of fries,and some hot chocolate .
Matt got Macy a light saber and she loved it. Next year I will have to come up with some heaters for sure.

Macy's cold feet at the end of the night were pretty cold. We came home none too soon. She fell asleep in my lap,sitting in the dark in front of the wood stove. For me The perfect ending .