We are using up the cabbages and turnips the I put in the ground last fall and am
surprised at how well they came
thru the winter. The cabbages had some bad leaves on the outside but we just peeled that off and they are great! They even seem to taste sweeter with age. I found that I didn't bury the trash can deep enough and some of the stuff on top froze and rotted but the ones deeper were fine. I think that just burying them in the ground with straw would work better maybe. Only thing with that is digging them up in the winter...the ground would be too hard.
Here are four heads after we took off some of the
outer leaves. Nice firm heads. Now why don't you hear about this
method of storage more often? Have we strayed so far and are so dependent on the food industry to supply us ,that we don't bother to raise and store our own food? I know where my food comes from and how it was grown and what chemicals were used in it's production. I like that feeling.
Here is an update on the raised beds. It has been one month since I planted and things are coming along well. As you can see the
lettuce is coming and red oak leaf behind that and then some kale . This is the mustard spinach that I liked so well last year and it is growing fast. It likes this cold weather . Some days I have to uncover the beds to cool them off.
I have built two more beds next to these and I had the dirt delivered today so I'll show them soon.