Monday, February 2, 2009

Another Winter's Day

This morning I was up early and the sun was just coming up over the trees so I had to get my camera. Always trying to get that special shot. We've had so few sunny days this winter that it was nice to see the sunrise and today Matt and Shell are coming for breakfast before they go East to see some friends.

Matt and Shell coming down the road. This is the clearest that the road has been for some time. The plows don't come as often and it has been snow and ice covered most of the time.

Can't wait for breakfast I guess.

Shell always takes her place by the wood burner.
Notice that we are cooking breakfast on the stove......we try to do most of our meals using it and we do quite well. We had bacon,sausage,eggs and pancakes.
Sometimes we cook meat or fish in a basket inside the stove. GREAT tasting!

Just having a good conversation before they leave. We love it when one of our kids come over. One of lives pleasures.